With the pleasantries of the night before a memory, albeit a pleasant one, a question is suddenly raised. When, exactly, is it appropriate to call a girl after the first date?
It's a question that has been dominating the minds of anyone in a new relationship for at least the last 30 years. Suddenly, the days of arranged marriages and your parents deciding who you marry seem hugely tempting. After all, the decision of when to pick up the phone is littered with pitfalls; call too early and you may appear over-eager, call too late and she may have decided you were never going to call and have moved on. It's an extremely delicate balance.
Unfortunately, there isn't any certain answer. If the general perception of calling too soon were to be believed, no man who had ever called a girl the next day after the date would be married - but that isn't true. There's also a multitude of people who left it for weeks before calling, for whatever reason, yet still got the girl in the end.
The trick is to judge the girl, not the situation. Does she strike you as the type who wants you to put your cards on the table and be honest? If so, calling the next day isn't a problem - just leave it until a normal hour. If, however, she seems to want to be wooed and dazzled by your macho side, leave it for a couple of days. Having spent an evening in her company, you should have at least a vague idea of which option is more likely to suit.
Whatever the situation and type of girl she is, one thing you should never do is leave it until a week or more before you dial her number. By that point, she'll have given up on you. Although the situation isn't irretrievable, the best bet is to wait for a maximum of four days if you decide to play it that way. Any longer, and you might get her answering machine - because she's out on another first date, but this time, not with you.
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