Book 50 Of 10 Dramarama By E Lockhart
Dust Jacket Description:"Two theater-mad, self-invented, fabulositon Ohio teenagers. One boy, one girl. One gay, one straight. One black, one white. And SUMMER DRAMA CAMP. It's a season of hormones, gold lam'e, hissy fits, jazz hands, song and dance, true love, and unitards that will determine their future and test their friendship."Characters: Sadye was just the sort of interesting protagonist I expected from Lockhart. Demi was the flamboyant personality I needed in this sort of book. Everyone sort of faded in the background. That didn't matter, though. Lockhart just knows how to create the kind of surprising, realistic main characters that make a book worth reading. 4 flowers.Writing: Every since Frankie Landau-Banks I have been in love with Lockhart and her writing. I love her dialogue and inner monologue. Everything about her style is epic and real in the very best way. 5 flowers.Plot: Interesting. I love how Lockhart figured out Sadye's character arch and the relationship between Demi and Sadye. The descriptions of the drama camp do leave a bit to be deserved in detail, however. 4 flowers.End: I liked how she tied it all up and Lockhart's message on teenage friendships. 4 and a half flowers.Dust Jacket Description: I like the style and it actually works in this description. 4 and a half flowers.Cover: Classic style. I wish it depicted the friendship better, though. 4 flowers.Overall: A fun, satisfying summer read. Not quite as good as Frankie Landau-Banks. Nonetheless, it's still excellent. 4 flowers.