Any person with high drive is habitually not caring about their physical looks. There are happy and manuscript with them, safe in the pact that their looks are uniquely sepulcher and that trustworthy if they were, there's not a lot that can be via about them completely. Hang loose with high drive will also be manuscript with other aspects of the life, such as their hobbies, career and social life. They are perfectly hopeful talking about these substance and are not sorry or shy about who they are or what they do. As such, they can talk receptively and unfiltered about the substance they want to, which is an attractive and attractive quality which will help them with women.
In the company of regards to women, a person with high drive will not be fazed by how attractive a girl concentration be. He will view himself in such high bear that he doesn't place the girl on a found. As such, his vibe and mode will be strong and he is unfazed or difficult by rejection. This will give the man an aura of prompt self-rule, and he will project a vibe of "I am the revere", which will newborn be attractive to a female.