Only two of the class participants had ever been hypnotized before, so this was a new experience for most. The way I teach self hypnosis is very experiential (I call all of my trainings and workshops "mind's-on" trainings) and so they spent about a third of the three hour experience actively in hypnosis, and probably another third of it in a hypnoidal state.
After leading them into hypnosis, I gave them multiple opportunities to take themselves into hypnosis, so they could get the feel and experience of that, and gain confidence in their ability to perform self hypnosis. The key to getting good with self hypnosis is practice--it really is about conditioning the mind to pair the experience of hypnosis with the command (the induction or countdown) that you use to start the process. Practice, practice, practice! It's amazing once you condition yourself to self hypnosis how quickly and easily you can get into hypnosis, in any type of situation. On planes, in dentist's chairs, in busy rooms, I've even hypnotized myself on a roller coaster!
The feedback I received was that everyone felt that they had achieved hypnosis and were confident in their abilities to move forward! I'm excited to hear from them in the future about how they are doing and what they are using self hypnosis to accomplish.
If you are interested in self hypnosis training, I run classes on a regular basis. Just check the "Take A Class" tab on my website. I'd love to see you there, and I guarantee you a "Mind's-On" experience!