The Nfl Michael Vick Problem

The NFL has a Michael Vick problem. One that won't go away, and is tied to the racialism of the Black population. Michael Vick is viewed as a hero by Blacks, and largely (though not exclusively) badly by Whites. Michael Vick is the most hated man in sports, according to one poll. A full 82% of Blacks think Vick should be playing football, while only 42% of Whites think so, writes Juan Williams in the Wall Street Journal.

The NFL just recently awarded Michael Vick the "Comeback Player of the Year" for 2010. Yet, as we can see in the video below, Vick himself remains the man that he always was. Quite likely, a future (or uncaught) sadistic serial killer. Vick according to sworn testimony drowned, hanged, electrocuted, and beat to death dogs that did not fight (well). He threw a family pet into a fighting ring with dogs and laughed as it was torn to pieces. This is sadism for the point of sadism, nothing less. One that the Black community, largely supports. For nothing less than racial solidarity and racialism (if not indeed racism itself).

Vick was just recently awarded the keys to Dallas by the Black Mayor Pro-Tem, in front of a cheering, adoring crowd of Black attendees.

The NFL has bent over backwards to adopt and endorse Michael Vick, despite his sadism and brutality, writ large, because he is Black. A White player would have been (correctly) ostracized and forbidden to play in the NFL.

The NFL is making two, large and related bets. The first is that the Lockout will not seriously impair either short-term or long-term revenues. With a guarantee of 3 billion out of 4 billion from its TV contracts, the short term part of that bet seems a solid wager, providing that the TV networks don't simply dump the contract or refuse to pay, gambling that they can always go back to the table and get a cheaper deal after the strike. Contracts, after the GM and Chrysler bailouts and forced closures of dealerships (decided by the White House based largely on race and gender) are no longer certain. So the NFL has a risk, however unknown, to its short-term strategy for the lockout.

The other part of their gamble is their Black-courting will not seriously impact their long-term viewership and thus their revenue. Since the largest portion of their revenue is dependent on TV viewership and essentially, the White audience.

The Superbowl had a record number of viewers, 111 million. But it might be the high water mark. As Steve Sailer has noted, the transition of Whites to a minority population, and one that is proceeding rapidly, in a "multicultural" (i.e. Barack Obama's call to Whites to "get to the back of the bus") way, means tribalism among Whites. Including White football fans.

This does not mean a return of the Klan, or a desire for racial punishment, or racial based violence. The White population is too middle class, comfortable, and non-violent for that sort of thing (I am skeptical of any view of "racial enlightenment" or moralism, but middle class people don't engage in street fights). David Duke, with Whites at about 65% of the population, lives in deserved penury in a trailer park in Monroe LA. Not Hell but you can see it from there. Meanwhile Louis Farrakhan is a neighbor of Barack Obama's, and lives in a mansion bigger than Oprah's, with more goons too than the Queen of daytime talk TV. This with Blacks at 12.9% of the population.

What the NFL risks is a steady, race-based erosion of the White fans as the worship and adulation of the Black thugs that increasingly make up its player base gets out of hand. The NBA has a TV contract of around 1 billion or so, in total, so the NFL is risking essentially about 3 billion dollars, in catering to what amounts to 12.9% of the population, and has only 40% of that figure in the middle class.

It is true that a non-trivial portion of White women find the adventures of the Kardashians with various Black athletes fascinating. See also "Kendra" and others of that ilk. But Women make up only 25% or so of the NFL audience. White men are the base, and they find players like Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, and Drew Brees the most likable. TV commercials and endorsements bear this out. The NFL sells "Sunday Ticket" by Peyton Manning, mostly. They don't use Michael Vick. Young White men find Black rappers hyper-masculine thuggery worthy of emulation. But the NFL is largely a middle aged fan-base sport. Younger White male viewers make up a small portion of its audience.

There is no cost to "switch" to another sport for an NFL fan. College Football, Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, UFC, all are broadcast on cable and over-the-air stations. Particularly after a strike/lockout, it is quite likely that viewership will remain lower, and fans can and will migrate to other sports. Baseball experienced this with the lockout/strike and steroid scandal in the 1990's, never regaining its prior popularity. The dearth of White players and influx on a massive scale of Afro-Carribean players however also played a major part in the disappearing audience and fanbase.

Black film-makers complain all the time, accurately, that Black audiences are tired of seeing mostly White leads in films oriented towards White audiences. They argue that White actors and White-themed movies are of little interest to Black audiences. Which seems an eminently logical and sensible position. But the converse would also be true, that White audiences have little interest in Black-themed movies featuring Black actors. The turnout for the "Friday" films and the movies with Tyler Perry would seem to back this up.

There is nothing wrong with, and a good deal right with, Black film-makers creating movies just for Black audiences. A free and open country ought to allow just such things. But no one can force White audiences to go see "Diary of A Mad Black Woman" either. And in a nation where Whites are rapidly becoming a minority, and losing majority status, while meanwhile having the lowest position on the multi-cultural totem pole, the "slack" the White audience is likely to cut racially-based endorsement of thuggery and sadism in the NFL is not very large.

The Superbowl featured a Pepsi Max commercial where a Black woman and Black man, a couple, were sitting on a park bench as a very attractive blonde female jogger passes by, and flirts with the Black man. The Black woman throws the can hard at the Black Man, who ducks, and the can knocks out the White blonde female jogger as the couple runs away. This ad would have been inconceivable with the races reversed. It is an arrow pointing to cultural, social, and political power, as currently positioned by the elites.

Pepsi can make this commercial, but they cannot force the White population to buy it. The most likely outcome is not violence and protest by Whites, but simply a slump in sales by an ever smaller White population. In that sense, Whites in America are becoming "Israeli" in attitudes. Figuring themselves beset by a large, intractably hostile population, a premium on in-group solidarity and matching racialism and race-based attitudes is likely to emerge. As Steve Sailer noted, if White tribalism is a problem, then Whites should not have been made a minority in the US.

Certainly, there are non-trivial portions of elite Whites (I know personally of one) who are older, who find it proper and just in a "eternal damnation" post-Calvinist way, that Whites be punished for "original racial sin" by first "taking the country from the Indians" and then slavery and segregation. That it is right and proper to make Whites a last-class minority in their own country (through illegal immigration). But the whole process of the Tea Party is the throwing off, of the RINO-esque, Media-based, SWPL elites. Including, culturally, Roger Goodell and the NFL. Which itself from the Rooneys and Michael Vick, are part of the Obama political coalition. [One can reasonably predict a full pardon for Michael Vick by Obama after the 2010 Presidential Elections. Because Michael Vick is Black. No other reason.]

A White population that experiences economic growth and is around 80-90% of the population, can tolerate such racialism. Culturally, politically, and socially, it is a minor price to pay to buy social peace, because the burden is light. A White population that is rapidly reduced to minority status, and discriminated (permanently) is guaranteed to become "Israeli" in attitude. Particularly as any residual "White guilt" (always overplayed anyway) ends and elite status-mongering becomes tiresome. Again, the experience of Israel is a guide. Labor and the Left in general simply fell apart, due to demographic pressure by Arab growth inside Israel and the Occupied Territories. Majorities pushed to minority status do not always embrace violence but they always embrace tribalism.

The NFL can call anyone who does not openly admire Michael Vick "a racist" but they can't force the White audience to watch the games. It is certainly unlikely that Whites will abandon the NFL en-masse, but even significant erosion can poison the NFL's prospects for growth, given that the NFL depends entirely on the White male audience in the US (it has failed to expand anywhere else). Even 25% of the viewership simply declining to watch the NFL for other sports or pursuits can impact the bottom line seriously.

Michael Vick may get the keys to Dallas from an adoring Black Mayor Pro-Tem, and adoring (largely) Black crowd, but the reaction to the video (gone viral over the internet, Hotair has it) is likely to be a silent decline in viewership as White guys figure the NFL is simply too Black for them. The net result? A loss eventually of around 3 billion in revenue, as the NFL sinks to NBA level of popularity and support.

Jerry Jones "Jones Mahal" seems pretty stupid now. As Yogi Berra once said, if they don't wanna come out the ballpark, how ya gonna stop em?


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