The Kiss Code Your First Date

The Kiss Code Your First Date Image
You can notice a lot of obvious clues to tell you when it is a go ahead. There is grooming that happens with both guys and girls which is basically unconscious flirtation. The playing of the hair, touching of the face to draw attention to it and doodle with cloths are some of the things you will notice in women. In the same way, men will rub their chin, sit upright and maybe fix a collar in a way to drawing attention to the chest. If you can develop to art of noticing the subtle signs, you can be one step ahead in knowing when would be the right time to make a move or expect a kiss.

It helps to observe body language. Don't look at this in isolation though, also pay attention on what is said while you are on the date and when you are walking together. If they ask a lot of questions about you then it is a good sign that your date is interested in you. This is also reinforced with the interest in the answers that you give. Eye contact is also a way of telling if some is interested in you and look at how close your date is to you. Frequent smiling and laughing are also good indications

Pay attention to physical clues from your date, but also pay attention to what they say during the date and while walking together. If your date is truly attracted to you, they will ask questions about you and will be genuinely interested in the answers. People will show attraction to someone by maintaining longer eye contact and staying close to their date when walking. Frequent smiling and laughing are also good indications your date is enjoying your company and is attracted to you.

When you date is approaching the end, make sure you keep these tips in mind. If you notice that your date does not want to leave, then it is a good indication that they are expecting a goodnight kiss. Move in a little closer to test their comfort level. If your date backs away, then take the hint that they are not ready for intimacy. Now if your date stands their ground, or maybe moves closer than they are definitely interested and such an instance deserves the attention of a kiss.

The initial kiss should be gentle. Remember less is more on the first kiss and will give the impression of respect for your date. Learn to kiss more lightly and slowly but with purpose. A little open mouth will do and do not go all the way too soon. Leave it to your date to set the pace and how long the kiss goes for. To leave a lasting impression, at the end touch their hand and leave.

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