by Lisa Wade, PhD,
The paradox: sexual category is strength, power, and strength... but femaleness is spine-chilling. Sexual category rules want that men necessity avoid association with the feminine at all task having the status of, if they do not, they are waxen. They are pussies, bitches, women, girls. Femininity is fragility and yet, doubtfully, it has the power to bark men of their masculinity. It is as if, as sociologist Gwen Pungent once put it, "sexual category is so delicate that probably turn the slightest brush with the feminine destroys it."
Vista the best example of this amazement ever:
Let's be clever. The meditate he's apprehensive of femaleness is having the status of it's insufferable. It makes you a woman, which makes you shabby. Which is fine for the ladies, but dudes are advised to avoid personal condemnation if at all viable.
Thanks Summer's Eve, you make my job easy.
"Lisa Wade is a tutor of sociology at Occidental Scholastic. You can pursuit her on Twitter and Facebook."