Look good. Nobody was ever able to easily seduce a woman wearing torn up and stained sweat pants and an old smelly shirt. Make sure that you are dressed to impress in clothing that fits you well and looks good on you. A woman can't resist a guy that approaches her with hair that is fixed and properly groomed. You will be well on your way whenever you wear something you know you look good in.
Whenever you are charismatic she is not going to be able to resist you. Being charming will include things like complimenting her and making her laugh. Try to make jokes that pertain to things that she has recently said so it shows that you are paying attention to her.
While this one seems like a no brainer you will find that it really is an important step when it comes to seduction of a woman. Most women are unable to resist the smell of a man fresh out of the shower wearing her favorite cologne. Just try not to wear too much as this could end up pushing her away.
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