As I was browsing through the site I realized how much information it has to offer because other people, people just like me are there to share their dating experiences and give advice and blogs. I initially joined because I thought the topics were really interesting. Then one day I was reading one of the blogs and I thought it was really funny so I commented on it. Next time I signed in to KissCafe there was a message in my inbox. I was kinda surprised because even though I only joined a week before I hadn't talked to anyone, plus I'd never done anything like this before. Well it was a message from my finance, of coarse I didn't know that at the time, but we went back and forth for awhile.
It turned out he actually only lived two towns over from me. I found out he loved animals, he could always make me laugh, he enjoyed traveling, and hiking and biking- plus his work schedule was as erratic as mine. We went back and forth in emails for about a month, then we started talking on the phone all the time. Six months later, we met up for the first time and we were both absolutely head over heels for each other. We already had gotten to know each other online first so we knew we had the same short term and long term goals. We knew that we wanted the same things out of life. We both knew it was meant to be.