You will taken by the hand and be shown exactly HOW TO GET YOUR EX BACK, including what to do, what to say and how to react in certain situations. It is said that the Magic of Making Up is the complete plan to get your ex back, and it's supposed to work for everyone. I'm not saying that this is true, these are just remarks from people who followed his advices.
Let's face it, every human is unique,you cannot predict every situation,and have a solution for every problem there is. But nevertheless, sometimes and usually this happens quite offen we react following certain patterns ( emotional, stress-based). T Dub actually gives a solution for all these patterns. That's the basic plan he follow and that's why it looks like a complete strategy guide.
HAS HE HELPED ANYONE with his program ?
Seems like he has helped a lot of people ( hundreds of men and women maybe even thousands) around the globe, he is a well-known character and to be honest you can't even find one bad review for this guy.It seems pretty hard to believe that everybody likes the program but so far everyone that read the book says it's not a scam. You can't really fake so many reviews and human opinions, he has to be that good, otherwise people would have started hating him and saying that the program does not work.
When I first watched his videos, I thought he was just a scam : I thought to my self, how can I trust a man that calls himself T-Dub and doesn't have some proffesional videos made, but looking more in detail I found out that he is just an ordinary guy, nothing fancy, he is not that good looking, he is just a simple guy that was really trying to help people out.
The only big bad point that I found is that even if you get back with your ex, you still need to make that relationship work. This part is only briefly detailed. But still that was not the purpose of the program, the Magic of Making Up states that it will get back with your ex, after which it is up to you to have a stable relationship. The program has some minor set-backs, and misses some key points along the way but overall it's a good guide.
I believe there is an ever better product to get your ex back. It is called : The M3 System - Making Up Made Easy. It was developed by Michael Griswold, an important figure in relationship advice. It feels to be more complete, and tries to cover all the angles. You can find a review for this new way to get back together right here : The M3 System
In conclusion both of them get the job done, both of them have helped many people, and both of them are at low prices regarding the results.
Visit the strategies for the The M3 System or see how to get back together with your ex using the Magic of Making Up: