First Date Tips For Men

First Date Tips For Men Image
I'm going to give you a few, very short little tidbits from my new book First Date Tips For Men! The book intends to arm men with the knowledge they need to give them the best possible shot at having the girl fall for them within that date, or very soon afterwards. The book First Date Tips For Men, by me Charlie Valentino features psychological advice for getting inside the girls mind during the date, helping you gain an incredible connection with her. Below, i'll real off a few bits, but for the rest you'll have to view my book on Amazon Kindle.Start Of Your First Date - Tips For The Beginning!

Why be like most guys who waltz up on time or even a few minutes late when you can arrive at the venue early and scope out the place and do a little ground work!

I always like to arrive a few minutes early to talk to the staff at the museum, bar, coffee shop or cinema. This way, when your date arrives, you can refer to your early conversation and make it seem like you're old friends. If the staff member is a hot girl then this is even better for social proof reasons.

If you're traveling to her town, or a neutral town and you're not too sure where anything is, then it's even more important to arrive early and do your ground work. Girls like guys to be leaders and to know what they are doing. If you meet somewhere and then you don't know where the nearest Starbucks is then you're not going to look like you're in control. Arrive early and do your ground work!

As for meeting your date at the rendezvous, I always like to turn up no more than 2 minutes early! This way you're not waiting around ages for her and you're not going to be late either. If a guy can't turn up on time for a date then what else can't he do?

Likewise, if you're date arrives late herself then you'll have to be prepared to give her a little bit of a dressing down. Try and do it in a playful way, but you certainly have to mention it otherwise you'll come across as being a pushover. You can be playful by calling her Captain Lateness when she turns up.


That first conversation is often a little bit awkward as you're both finding your feet and getting comfortable with each other. One question the girl often asks the guy is what they've been doing today. A typical response from the average man is something such as "not much really"!

Well this isn't a very good start at all and you certainly aren't using the first conversation to your advantage! What's wrong with saying nothing much? Well mostly, you make yourself look like you aren't a very busy guy, which isn't an attractive trait to have. You should use that first question to your advantage to make it look like you're very busy! So in future, if a girl on a first date asks you what you've been doing today, how about answering something like the following:

Well i got up early for my morning jog, i just can't start the day without feeling the earth beneath my feet. I then went for a coffee with a friend while we discussed business. After that, i then met up with my friend for a quick game of squash. After that i just wrote a few emails then set off to meet up with you.

Do you see the difference? This makes you look extremely active, busy and attractive. There's even a little bit of imagery chucked into the first line for good measure, which will actually force her brain to picture you out jogging.


Kino escalation refers to small, slight touches at the beginning of the date, which then increase in magnitude going towards the end of the date. The purpose of kino escalation is to make the girl feel gradually more comfortable with you touching her over the course of the date.

Imagine, on most occasions, the date is about to end and there is this massive moment of tension where you're wanting to kiss her. It is very hard to do so because no kino has been built up prior to this point. In fact, if you get kino right, your first kiss, should be during the day and not right at the end. In fact, if you get kino off to a good start, then it should be her making many of the kino initiatives as well as yourself.

If you make plenty of little touches, and some medium ones throughout the date, then going for the kiss somewhere before the end should only feel natural and a lot more comfortable.

Kino should start right at the very beginning! When you meet, you shake her hand, hold it for as long as feels comfortable, whilst you kiss her on both cheeks. You can lead her in the direction you're heading in (did you scope out the town earlier?) and give her a little touch on the small of her back to do this. You should always open doors for your date, not to be a gentleman, but because it gives you a chance to touch her lower back as you lead her through. If you're telling a story, then you can emphasize certain points by touching her arm. If you leave one venue and head off to another, then you should at the very least link arms, if it's going well then why not hold hands?

Be brave, be a man and always kino!


All girls love men who are leaders! In fact i will go as far as to say that if you allow your date to lead your around then it's going to be game over.

But what is leadership? Well in the context of a first date, leadership can come down to simply having a plan and enforcing it. Trust me, 99% of girls will be ecstatic to have you lead, they are naturally submissive and they will happily allow you to lead them anywhere (within reason) as long as you know what you're doing.

This goes back to my section above on arriving early for your date, scoping the place out and having a plan. Make sure you know what you're doing, where you're going, opening times, prices and any other contingencies. You should also have a back up plan in case something should happen. Has she already seen the film you're off to see for example, may often crop up.

It's actually very simple, just plan your date out and lead!

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