For those of you out there who can't quite remember what pheromones are, we'll sweep some of the dust off your memory and take you back in time to your biology class. What are pheromones? Think smell that garners attention. In boring scientific terms, its chemicals released that bring about a behavioral changes in the opposite sex. In other words, an animal, say a working bee, emits a pheromone that another working bee (of the opposite sex) picks up. Pheromones serve different purposes, but there are three that are very common. First are pheromones that are essentially an alarm, a warning of potential danger. Second, there are pheromones that serve as a guide for food. The third type is one with which we are concerned. They are pheromones that trigger sexual mating or indicate that a male or female is ready to mate. Androstenone pheromones are linked to this third group.
Now you're probably wondering how androstenone pheromones can enhance your attractiveness. The first thing to understand is that these types of pheromones are naturally produced. And for those of you who don't know where they are, all you have to do is lift your arm and smell your armpit. If you haven't washed there recently, take a whiff. Or better yet, ask a woman nearby to take a whiff. Now, if she isn't totally repulsed by now, she just inhaled pheromones.
Pheromones, according to researchers, exist under the armpit and do in fact cause a responsive action in women. Swedish researchers actually found evidence to this belief. Marketers jumped on this research and began selling cologne and sprays containing androstenone pheromones. The advantage of these products is that you can give off androstenone pheromones without the stink. If anything, the stink would neutralize any gain you would make, and now you can prevent this scenario. So when you're looking for cologne or sprays, and want to heighten your attractiveness, grab some androstenone pheromones. Just remember to put on your deodorant!