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Ronald J. Reid December 5, 2007, 9:07 pm
The Liberty Tribune 1879
The following marriages appeared in The Liberty Tribune, Liberty, Clay County, Missouri during the year of 1879. Some the marriages did not occur in Clay County. The date of publication is shown prior to the listed item(s).
Jan 3, 1879:
Missouri City Items.
Last Thursday Mr. Conrad Hartel and Miss Lizzie Irminger were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, by Rev. H. Menger. Nebo has lost an accomplished young lady; but its loss is Mr. Hartel's gain, and he is truly worthy of such a prize. We wish them much joy and happiness; and may the angel of peace ever brighten the rugged pathway of life.
New Hope Items.
Mr. John chambers and Miss Cassie Peeaver, were married on the 25th, and soon after left for Carrollton.
Married, on the 19th inst., by Elder W. R. Rothwell, Mr. Lewis M. Lancaster and Miss Dulcenia M. Hymer, daughter of Willis S. Hymer, all of Clay county.
Cake received.
May your joys be many
As the glistening dew drops fair,
And your days be sunny
And free from blighting care.
Married, at the Arthur House in this city, on the 29th of Dec., 1878, by Rev.
John G. Fackler, Mr. H.R. Moore, to Miss Lizzie K. Weber, all of Clay co.
Married in this county, near Smithville, on the 20th inst., b y Rev. C.W.
Watts, Mr. Geo. Lingenfelter, of Clinton, to Miss Sarah C. Larimore, of Clay.
Married, on Wednesday 1st day of January, 1879, at Liberty, Mr. Richard Narramore and Miss Mary knight, both of Clay county - J.South, J.P.,
Jan 17, 1879:
From Barry.
The fading year went out with several weddings, and the new was hailed by the same joyous festivities, and a number of young hearts are made happy in the bonds of holy matrimony. Among them is our young friends, Wm. Wilhite and Miss Irene Cox, of Platte; Jno. L. Barnes, of Platte, and a beautiful lady of Carroll; Mr. Albert Mosly and Miss Anna Lindsey; Mr. Bud Holt and Miss Martha Broadhurst, daughter of our esteemed ex-county Judge, John Broadhurst; and today, Mr. Biven Goode and Miss Flora Kimbro, and no doubt, there are "more to follow," and will be as long as time lasts. We congratulate our dear young friends, wishing them all the pleasures of life so fondly anticipated.
Marriage Bells.
Mr. Gardiner Lathrop and Miss Eva Grant, daughter of Col. Nathaniel Grant, were married at St. Luke's Church, Kansas City, yesterday evening. The groom is a promising young lawyer and rising man, and the bride one of the most intelligent, lovely and accomplished young ladies in the State. She was born, and partly raised in Clay county, and her old friends naturally feel proud of her. In a word, Mr. Lathrop is a man worthy of such a bride, and she of him.
May unalloyed happiness and prosperity attend the happy pair through life.
Married, on the 7th inst., by Rev. W.R. Rothwell, Mr. M.D. Leavell and Mrs.
M.F. Leavell - all of clay county.
Jan 24, 1879:
Our correspondent last week had Mr. "Bud" Holt married. It should have been Mr. Alex. Holt and Miss Mattie Broadhurst. Mr. "Bud" should feel complimented, and if the young lady is satisfied "all is well."
Married, January 14th, 1870, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. B.N.
Goode, of Kansas, and Miss Florinda Kimbro, of Clay county, Mo. - Rev. O.D.
Allen officiating.
Feb 7, 1879:
Married, on February the 5th, 1870, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr.
Daniel Ligon, by the Rev. James Roan, Mr. D.G. Capps to Miss Carrie W. Ligon, all of Clay county.
Married on the 26th ult., by Elder Wm. Warren, Mr. Doniphan Boggess and Miss Sarah Clark.
Feb 28, 1879:
Married, on the 24th inst., by Elder A.B. Jones, Mr. W.J. Francis and Miss Abbie E. Ecton, all of Clay county.
Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. Caruthers, on the evening of February 18, 1879, Mr. Albert Indicott to Miss Nannie Caruthers - Elder James Via officiating. Attendants - Mr. Joel Foly and Miss Kattie Caruthers.
Married on the 26th inst., Mr. William Mitchell and Almeda Ricketts, daughter of the late Jno. Ricketts.
Married, in clay county, on February 18th, 1879, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. John S. Scudder and Miss Mattie Crossett - Rev. Ed. M.
Yantis officiating.
Mar 7, 1879:
Married, at Mrs. E.P. Crowley's on the
, Mr. Wm. Crowley, to Miss Amanda
Crowley - Rev. Linn officiating.
Mar 14, 1879:
Married, on Sunday March 9th, by Elder Wm. Warren, Mr. David Creek and Miss Sallie Harris - all of Clay co.
Married, on Tuesday, March 11th, 1879, at Liberty, William Copeland and Miss Mary Butler, both of Clay count, Mo. - Job South J.of P. officiating.
Mar 21, 1879:
From Near Barry:
Married, a few days ago, Miss Anna Scobee to Mr. Birt Towns. They are happily located on the banks of Platte River near the Clinton line. Miss Anna has many friends here that wish her many happy days.
Miss Anna Beasley to Mr. Abner Reddish, son of A.K. Reddish. This nice couple have since moved to Kansas.
Apr 4, 1879:
Married, near Arnold Station in this county, on Sunday 30th ult., by Rev. W.C.
McPheters, Mr. W.D. Stephens and Miss Josephine R. Craighead, daughter of the late Dr. Craighead.
Miss Annie Hubbell, daughter of John P. Hubbell, and old citizen of Liberty, but now of Columbia, was "carded" to be married to Mr. Jas. B. Johnson, of St.
Joseph, on Thursday 27th.
Apr 11, 1879:
Married in Columbia, Mo., on the 27th of March, by Elder J.K. Rogers, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J.B. Johnston and Miss Annie Hubbell daughter of Jno. P. Hubbell. The wedding was a very quiet one. The presents numbered nearly a hundred and ranged in value fro $5 to $500.
From Gosneyville:
Allow me to give you some items of neighborhood interest. In the first place comes the marriage of Mr. Wesley to Miss Harriet Mathews, on the 13th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Mathews, by 'Squire Peyton Newman. No cards, or invitations, but plenty of good cheer provided for all who chose to come and partake.
May 2, 1879:
Married, April 30th, 1879, by Rev. Mr. Richardson, at the residence of the bride's father, J.A. Stone, Dr. W.H. Robinson, of Monticello, Kansas, and Miss Sallie Belle Stone, of Liberty, Mo.
Attendants - Misses E. Park and E.Pitts. A select number of friends were present to witness the ceremony.
Sallie, it is sad to let thee go,
Although the Dr. would have it so,
You are far away, yet very near,
But you will be to us forever dear. W. & M.
May 9, 1879:
Married, in Carrollton, Mo., on April 30th, 1879, by Elder Meloan, Col. John Blankenship, (formerly of Liberty) and Miss Bettie Briscoe.
Married, on May 1st, by Elder A.B. Jones, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John M. Grayson, to Miss Maggie Williams, daughter of Mr. Jarrett Williams.
Married, on the 27th ult., by Rev. L.J. Prather, Mr. Geo. McCorkle and Miss Anna Brasfield, all of Fishing River Township.
May 16, 1879:
Married, in Kearney, on the - --th Mar., 1879, by Rev. Mr. Graves, Mr. T.G.
Teaney and Mrs. Bettie Dunkin.
Married, in Kearney, on the 6th inst., by Rev. Mr. Graves, Mr. R. Powell and Miss Lucy Green.
Missouri City Items:
Mr. Shannon Cravens and Miss Lou Winfrey were married last Tuesday, a week. It was quite a happy affair; Elder Perkins officiated.
Jun 6, 1879:
Mr. Dave Creek was married last week to Miss Harris, and Providence neighborhood has one old widower less. The marriage is true as the gospel this time.
Jun 13, 1879:
Married on the 5th inst., N.B. Bush J.P., Mr. Wm. Bird to Mrs. Sarah E. Searcy, all of Clay county.
Jun 20, 1879:
Married on the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride, by Rev. Mr. Holliday, Stephen Asbury, Esq., of Lawson, to Mrs. Crowley, of Clay county.
From Claytonville:
A wedding at the widow's Sunday - the parties mostly interested were Mr. Steven Asbury, of Lawson, and Mrs. Emelina Crowley; a splendid dinner served up to about forty guests.
Jul 11, 1879:
Prof. Shaff, the photographist, was married on Thursday evening last to Miss Katie Holmes, daughter of Judge Samuel H. Holmes, of this city. The Tribune wishes joy and prosperity.
Jul 25, 1879:
Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Edward Hygh, of St.
Joseph, Mo., to Miss Louisa ("Weedie") Buchbee, of Clay county, Rev. MR.
Taylor, of Kansas City, officiating. Though it leaves an aching void in your correspondents heart, he cheerfully bids the young couple god speed, and hopes that no trouble will ever darken their doors.
Aug 8, 1879:
Married, on the 5th inst., near Liberty, Mo., by Rev. Jno. G. Fackler, Rev.
Jno. P. Foreman, of Plattsburg, to Mrs. Mattie L. Hodges, of Clay county, and daughter of the late James A. Griffith, Esq.
Married on the 30th ult., by Elder Asa N. Bird, at his residence, Mr. Green Standwaity and Miss Lou Bayers, both of this county.
On Sunday evening, August 3rd, Mr. Frank P. Corman led a beautiful young widow, Mrs. Claudia E Millican, to the hymenial altar, Rev. Asa N. Bird officiating;
both of Jackson county.
Mr. Hiram Heoketh, our ancient rope-maker, has taken to himself a youthful bride, Mrs. Adean, of Johnson co., Kansas. Long may they flourish.
Aug 29, 1879:
Married, on the 24th, Aug., 1879, by N.B. Bush, Justice of the Peace, for Clay co., Mr. Wm. H. Rush, of Wyandotte, Kansas, to Miss Julia E. Shelton, daughter of Reuben Shelton, of Clay county.
Married by Judge George W. Dunn, on the 26th instant, in the parlor of the "Arthur House," in Liberty, Mo., Wm. M. McKinney to Georgie Ann Craven.
Cards for their numerous friends.
Married by Rev. H.M. Richardson, at Liberty, Sept. 2, Mr. Wm. B. Purdie and Miss Sarah Jesse, both of Pratherville, Clay co.
Sep 5, 1879:
Married, on the 28th July, 1879, at the residence of John Morris, by L.G.
Hopkins, J.P., Mr. Mack Asbury to Miss Isabel Railey.
Married, on the 31st of Aug., at the residence of James Tate, by L.G. Hopkins, J.P., Mr. Jeptha Crabtree to Miss Sarah Jane Tate.
Mr. Joseph Hardin, Jr., was recently married to Miss Marinda Scott, he being 93 years of age and she only 15. All of Polk county.
Sep 12, 1879:
Married on Monday the 8th isn't., at the residence of George Bandy, in Liberty, by Elder G.L. Black, Maxwell Gibson, to Miss Eliza Gilwater.
Sep 19, 1879:
Married at the residence of Dr. Morton, in Smithville, on the 2nd inst., by Elder G.B. Waller, Mr. Jack Thatcher to Miss Kate Brasfield, all of Clay county. We extend to our young friends our heartiest congratulations, and wish them long lives of usefulness and prosperity. - Platte City Landmark.
Sep 26, 1879:
Married, at the Catholic church in this city, on Tuesday the 23rd inst., by Rev. Father Hanley, Mr. Harry Mansfield, of Kansas City, to Miss Maggie Barry, daughter of Mr. John Barry, of Liberty.
Oct 3, 1879:
Married, on the 30th of Sept., at the residence of the bride's father, (H.T.
Goe) by N.B. Bush, Justice of the Peace, Mr. L.D. Windstatt, of Jackson co., to Miss Temora Bell Goe, of Clay co.
Married on the 24th inst., by Rev. G.Tanquary, at the residence of G.W.
Faubion, Esq., Mr. James L. Donaldson and Miss Gertie E. Spencer, all of Clay county, Missouri.
Oct 10, 1879:
Hymenial. - Harry Howard, editor of this paper, and Miss Annie M. Toole, were married at the residence of the bride's father, in Macon, Mo., Wednesday eve.,
Oct. 1st, 1879. Rev. J.P. Nolan, officiating. - Weston Commercial.
Oct 17, 1879:
Married in Weston, by Elder Mathews, Mr. N.P. Ogden, to Mrs. Tetie King, both of Weston, and former wife of Wm. A. King, late of this city.
Married at the residence of the officiating minister, in Gosneyville, Clay co.,
on Oct. 10th, 1879, by Rev. C.W. Watts, Mr. John T. Brooks to Miss Maggie J.
Taul; also Mr. S.J. Brooks, Jr., to Miss Mollie F. Williams.
Married on the 14th inst., at Judge Corum's near Kearney, by Eld. G.L. Black, Mr. R.W. Groomer and Miss Abbie G. Corum. Attendants good-looking, but names forgotten.
Oct 24, 1879:
Married on last Sunday night at the residence of the bride's father, A.J.
Creason to Miss Jane Broaddus. No cards.
Married, at the residence of Mr. Wernwag, in Lexington, Mo., on Thursday, October 16th, by Elder Hughes, Mr. S.D. Peters, of Lafayette county, and Miss Belle Watson, of Millersburg, Ky.
Married on horseback, in Claytonville, Mo., on the 6th day of October, 1879, by T.M. Gash, J.P., Mr. Edward Asher to Mrs. Sarah Alexander, all of Clay co., Mo.
Oct 31, 1879:
Married on Wednesday Oct. 22, 1879, at the residence of Rev. Asa N. Bird and by him, Mr. George Thomasson and Miss Fanny Pemberton.
"And when life's dream is ended
And this earthly mission done,
Like two clouds at sunset blended,
May their spirits melt in one."
Pleasant Grove Items.
Married, at New Hope Church, on the 26th inst., by Elder Jones, Mr. Byron Alnut and Miss Fannie Smith. Also, on the 23d inst., by the same, Mr. Henry Noland and Miss Mattie Stevens.
From old York State came Henry to woo,
And found Mattie without trouble;
the match being made had nothing to do
But leave single life and be double. M. D.
Nov 14, 1879:
Missouri City Items:
Robt. W. Easley and Amanda M. Allen were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on the 6th inst., by Rev. S.H. Carter, and at night were treated to a skillet solo by neighbors.
Married, on the 16th of October by Rev. H.M. Richardson, Mr. E.P. Harel, and Miss Laura A. Mathews. Also, by the same, on the 4th inst., Mr. Riley E.
Bivens and Miss Mary R. Major.
Mr. Geo. Maddon and Miss Linnie Robinett were married Oct. 30th.
Nov 21, 1879:
Married, near Smithville, Clay county, at the residence of Judge Gunn, by Elder T.W. Todd, Mr. Matthew Breckinridge and Miss Isabel Gunn, all of Clay county.
The charming bride is a granddaughter of Judge Gunn. Thanks for a bountiful supply of delicious cake.
"Down through the dainty realm of love,
Where the rose and lily blow,
With a tint that does not fade,
Whether there by sun or shade,
May the angels with them go!"
Married, at the residence of the bride's son, Jerry Bailey, Esq., in Clay co.,
Mo., on Nov. 11th, 1879, Mr. Vanner Smith and Mrs. Susan Bailey, by the Rev.
C.W. Watts.
Married in Liberty, on the 9th inst., by Rev. Father Hanley, Mr. John T. Mills and Miss Emma Higgins.
"Summer's gone and winter's here,
Money's scarce and blankets dear;
Happy are thy who thus conform
To keep each other snug and warm."
Married, in Platte county, on the 12th inst., by Elder J.B. Clay, Mr. Thomas L.
T. Jones, of this county, to Miss Mary V. Styne, of Platte county.
Nov 28, 1879:
Married near this city on Thursday evening Nov. 20th, 1879, by Rev. Mr.
Fackler, Mr. John Donaldson and Miss Lilie Wymore, daughter of Col. Geo. W.
Wymore, all of this county.
Married at Brookfield, Mo., on the 23d of Nov., 1879, by Rev. Plumb, Mr. Will Howe, Deputy Circuit Clerk of Macon county, to Miss Choctaw Quantrell Murray, youngest child of the late E.D. Murray, of this city. No cards, no cake, no invite!
Dec 5, 1879:
Married at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Dec. 2d, 1879, by Elder Asa N. Bird, Mr. Lawrence Bayers and Miss Lou Liggett - all of Clay county.
Smithville Items:
Mr. Bud Penny and Miss Sallie Parker were united in marriage last week by the Rev. Bayard Waller. Long life and happiness, Bud!
Smithville Items:
Aha! I told you so, and I meant it when I said it. For once, at least, Madam Rumor was right. In compliance with the announcement made public, at 7 o'clock p.m., we wended our way in the direction of the M.E. church, where we found a large concourse of people already assembled to witness the marriage of Prof. George W. Dixon to Miss Willena Bell (a belle of Missouri City).
Promptly at the appointed hour a rustling near the door was heard, and the contracting parties, accompanied by Miss Rebecca Robertson and Miss Bettie Robertson, with Messrs. W.L. Gaines and I.W. Snapp respectively came down the aisles of the church and halted in front of Rev. A.J. Emerson, the officiating party of the occasion, when the knot was tied awful tight. The party retired to the residence of Wm. J. Gilmer, with the favored few outsiders, among which was your unworthy correspondent, where a magnificent collation was awaiting us. After demolishing the better part of a turkey, with various etceteras, we bid the authors of our happiness good night, and vanished.
Dec 12, 1879:
Married on the
inst., by N.B. Bush, J.P., Mr. Robert M. Sherer and Miss
Margaret Ann Eads - all of Clay county.
Dec 26, 1879:
Married, on the 17th inst., Mr. Wm. Miller, of Clay county, and Miss Ella Bailey, of Clinton co.
Married in Clinton county, on the 16th inst., by Rev. Foreman, Mr. Washington Huffaker, to Miss Quincy McWilliams.
Married, Dec. 21st, 1879, Mr. James A. Beckett to Miss Jennie King, both of Clay county - Job South, J.P. officiating.
Married on Saturd2y 20th of Dec. 1879 at the residence of James McKarnin, Mr.
W.J. McKarnin and Miss Carrie Irminger - Job South, J.P. officiating.
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