Nlp Swish Pattern Technique

Nlp Swish Pattern Technique
The swish pattern is a powerful NLP technique that enables you to break an automatic thought or behaviour pattern and replace them with a more resourceful one. The swish pattern can be used for problems such as fear of public speaking, anger management, smoking cessation, nervousness, lack of self-confidence and phobias.


1. Recognize the cue image of the behaviour that you wish to change. Ask yourself what occurs just before this unwanted state begins, what image or scene come to your mind? Remember to think in terms of submodalities to get a detailed sense of the scene.

2. Select a replacement image. You should create an image of how you will be or want to be after changing the unwanted behaviour. Enhance the qualities such as submodalities of the scene.

3. Now place the replacement image in the corner or behind the cue image of unwanted behaviour in your mind. The replacement image or scene should be in small size compared to the cue image of unwanted behaviour.

4. Now swish the two images. You should make both the images change simultaneously in your mind with increase in speed. When you swish have the cue image of unwanted behaviour becoming smaller and shot off into a distance, at the same time have the replacement image (desired behaviour) come closer and larger by completely replacing the image of undesired behaviour. Repeat the process until you feel the scene of desired behaviour is totally replaced the image of unwanted behaviour.

5. Repeat this swish five to seven times. Remember to apply break state during each swish.

6. Now enhance the submodalities of the replaced image.

7. Do a test. Now try to think of the unwanted behaviour again. I am sure you will find hard or impossible to act it out, you should actually think on how to do it, it will not be the same automatic response as it used to be.

HOW TO QUIT SMOKING USING THE SWISH PATTERN:1. Identify the cue image that precedes you to smoking, the image that triggers you to the habit is called cue image. The image may be your hand going to cigarette, seeing yourself with cigarette or seeing a cigarette whatever it comes in your mind.

2. Now develop a powerful replacement image. It can be an image of you are standing confident that you had quit smoking or just a quit smoking picture, just think of an image that makes you feel that you will quit smoking.

3. Place the replacement image and apply swish as mentioned above.

4. Repeat the process every time you feel urge to go for a cigarette.

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