We never spoke while she went out with the guy but she split with him in April and we've been friends again since. She then went out with a guy from work but he turned out to be a scumbag who was cheating on her and she dumped him a couple of days ago. Ironically I left my now ex girlfriend the day before and I cant stop thinking about my ex,I talk to her online almost every day. She's really down and depressed right now after being played by the guy at work so I dont know if its the right time but I really wanna get back together with her before someone else beats me to it.
I know a lot of people say exes are exes for a reason but I really love this girl and I'd love nothing more than to be with her again so just doing nothing Isn't an option. A few of my friends also think she still has feelings for me because we are very flirty when we are out together. I would really appreciate it if someone could give me some advice on what I should do to be with her again.
Origin: pickup-girls-advices.blogspot.com