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Adams County News, Thursday, October 3, 1906, issue
Delmer Schuler Dies Suddenly
Delmer Schuler, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schuler, died at their home in the south part of town Sunday morning, September 30, 1906. When the family went to awaken him at the usual time it was discovered that he had died some time during the night. He had made no complaint of feeling bad and had worked all day Saturday at the carpenter trade.
Delmer Schuler was born September 27, 1892, in New Brighton, Pennsylvania. The family moved to Ritzville in 1902, and the young man had bene engaged in the carpenter business since coming here. They resided at Paha for a number of years before coming to Ritzville. He leaves, besides his parents, one sister, Mrs. Holden, and four brothers, Lawrence, George, Harry and Perry. They were all present but Perry, who is in Des Moines, Iowa, attending the Drake university studying for the ministry.
The death of this young man, which came so suddenly, was a severe shock to his many friends, both in business and social circles. Delmer Schuler was a member of the Christian church and was an active worker in both the church and Young People's Christian association.
The funeral services were held at the Christian church Tuesday morning. Rev. W. H. Harris spoke the last words over the body.
Death of Darvin Keller
Darvin Keller, father of Mrs. E. D. Gilson, died at his home at Greenacres, Wash., last Friday morning, September 28, 1906, at the age of 69 years. The deceased was one of the oldest settlers in Adams county, coming here in 1878, and engaged in the mercantile business. He lived here until 1891, when he moved to Kendrick, Idaho, where he resided until last year, when he moved to Greenacres, Wash.
He leaves a wife and five children - Lester Keller of Lewiston, Idaho; Arthur Keller of Springston, Idaho; Ernest Keller, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Mrs. Edith Gilson, wife of E. D. Gilson, sheriff of Adams county, and Chester Keller, who lives with his mother at Greenacres, Wash.
Darvin Keller had suffered the past five years with acute rheumatism, which was incurable.
He was closely identified with the early history of the county and many of his old friends who still reside here are pained to hear of his death.
The funeral took place from the First Methodist church at Coeur a'Alene, Idaho, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Barker, the pastor.
Adams County News, Thursday, October 17, 1906, issue
Last issue of Adams County News
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, October 24, 1906, issue
J. M. Reader
The funeral services of J. M. Reader were held at Lind last Sunday under auspices of the M. W. A., of which deceased was a member. The interment was in the Sutton cemetery.
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dillon
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dillon were held at the Willis school house north of Ritzville on Monday at 11 o'clock, Rev. B. E. Koontz of the M. E. church here officiating, and the body was buried at Spanjer cemetery. Mrs. Dillon was born in Nebraska forty-three years ago and was married in Nebraska twenty-three years ago. The Dillon family is thought of whenever the old pioneers of Adams county are mentioned. James Dillon, her husband, and two children survive her.
Lind Woman Fatally Burned
A disastrous fire occurred at Lind Thursday morning which entirely consumed the city residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Haller. Mrs. Haller was unable to escape from the building and perished in the flames.
Mr. Haller owns a ranch twenty miles northwest of Lind and was at the farm Thursday morning when the accident occurred, while Mrs. Haller and the five children were in the burning building. It was early in the morning and Mrs. Haller, following her usual custom, prepared to start the fire in the kitchen stove by pouring in a liberal supply of coal oil. The can exploded, throwing oil all over her person, and soon she was enveloped in a sheet of flame. She reached the door, which was locked, and being overcome by flames, she was unable to open it and sank down on the floor and perished.
Mrs. Haller was about forty years of age. The body, when recovered, was burned beyond recognition.
In the meantime the five children had left the burning building through another door and the baby was carried out safely by his 8-year-old brother. One of the older children was badly burned while attempting to rescue the mother.
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, October 31, 1906, issue
A Serious Accident (Peter Teynor)
While driving six horses attached to a wagon and trailer loaded with wheat to this place last Tuesday, Peter Teynor was run over by two wheels of the wagon. He was walking beside the wagon driving the horses up a hill when the lead team became frightened at a motor-cycle, propelled by George Bauer of this city, swung around and caught him under the wheel. The wheels of the wagon ran over his stomach causing internal injuries from which he died three hours later.
He was taken to a near by ranch and his wife and Dr. Bice were called. The accident happened five mile east of the city.
The deceased owned a ranch twenty-five miles west of here near Menno, and was well liked by all who knew him. He was born in Crawford County, Wisconsin, April 19, 1874, and went to Austin, Minnesota, in 1893, coming to Adams County in 1901, where he has since resided. He was married to Miss Adda C. Willis, January 1, 1903. Besides his wife, who was with him when he died, he leaves a father and mother, one brother and two sisters in Wisconsin, two brothers in Calgary, Alberta, one brother in Dakota and a brother who lives near Menno. The funeral will take place from the Willis school house, Saturday, Nov. 3rd, burial in Spanjer cemetery, this city.
Lewis Moberly
Lewis A. Moberly, who used to work at painting in this place, died at St. Joseph Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., August 21, of typhoid fever. Before going east he had been working at Paha, and his brother, John Moberly of Lester, Iowa, thinks he left some personal belongings at his boarding place. In anyone who reads the Journal can give information in regard to them it will be appreciated if they will notify either W. C. Reeder or Rev. W. M. Protcor, Ritzville.
Mrs. Kendrick
Mrs. Kendrick died at her home near Lind on Saturday, Oct. 27, of typhoid fever superinduced by a rheumatic trouble of long standing. At her beside at her death were her three sons and two daughters. Mrs. Kendrick came to Adams county some years ago and finally settled on a homestead northwest of Lind where she died. She leaves four sons - two at home on the ranch, one at or near Medical Lake and the other at Seattle, - and two daughters - one the wife of Frank Richards at Fairview, and Miss Esta, who lives at home. Her husband died years ago, and she never remarried. The funeral was from the M. E. church in this city and was conducted by Rev. J. D. Bell of Lind. Interment was at the Ritzville cemetery, west of town.
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, November 21, 1906, issue
F. H. Eggers
F. H. Eggres, who resided about fifteen miles west of town, was taken to the hospital in Spokane about three weeks ago suffering with acute stomach trouble, at the time thought to be cancer of the stomach. His failure to respond to treatment necessitated a surgical operation, which he underwent last Friday and resulted in his death on Sunday morning about 3 o'clock, his vitality being too low to successfully stand the operation and the anesthetic incident thereto.
His remains arrived here Sunday evening and the funeral was held from the Menno church at 11 o'clock this Wednesday, forenoon. Interment was in the Mennonite cemetery. Deceased leaves a wife and family of children to mourn their loss.
Laura Hobson
LIND - Miss Laura Hobson, niece of W. H. Merril, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, died last week.
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, November 28, 1906, issue
Death of Dr. Levi L. Sutton
Dr. Levi L. Sutton, a farmer and practicing physician, and one of the first settlers in that part of the country, died at his home, seven and one-half miles east of Hatton, Thursday, November 22, 1906. He was born in Orleans county, New York, September 1, 1835. His early education was secured in the schools of Laper, Michigan, and later he took a course in Rome academy. Upon arriving at his majority, he left school and engaged in teaching. Later he took up farming and practicing medicine. He had reputation as a physician in pneumonia and typhoid fever cases that might well be envied by any member of the medical profession.
In 1887 he came to Adams county, Washington, direct from the east, and settled where he lived up to the time of his death. He was the first settler in that township, and his was the first house to be built in that vicinity. There were no roads in that section of the county at that time, and the nearest water was distant eight miles. He first took a homestead and timber culture and improved these claims, then as circumstances permitted he purchased more land, until now his estate comprises a section and a quarter. His has one of the largest and handsomest houses in the vicinity. It contains fourteen rooms and is modern throughout. He raised a great quantity of fruit each year, and his wheat crop sometimes ran as high as 18,000 bushels in one year.
To Dr. and Mrs. Sutton were born four children - Elmer G. Sutton, now in Seattle; Ida B.
Hackett, now in Walla Walla; William J. Sutton, ex-principal of the normal school at Cheney, and Byron L. Sutton, now one of the largest farmers and land owners on Rattlesnake Flat.
Dr. Sutton was an active democrat, at the hands of which party in Michigan he held office seven years. In fraternal circles he was known as a member of the F. & A. M., and Mrs. Sutton is a member of the Eastern Star. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Summoned Home
Miss Magdalena Achziger, daughter of Mrs. Kate Achziger of this city, died at 7 o'clock on last Thursday evening at the parental home on College Hill, aged 23 years and 8 months. The funeral was from the German Congregational Church of this city, Rev. K. L. Stahl officiating, assisted by Rev. F. Eggerlund. Miss Achziger was born in Russia and came to this country with her parents when but a little girl 3 years old. She had been in failing health for some time and only recently returned from quite an extended visit to the Sound country, where she went in search of health. Her death was caused by an aggravated attack of pneumonia, superinduced by a stomach trouble of long standing. She was an estimable young lady and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn over her taking away. She is survived by her mother, three brothers and three sisters.
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, December 12, 1906, issue
Rev. J. B. Spight
HARRINGTON - News has been received here of the death of Rev. J. B. Spight at Hood River, Oregon, the latter part of November. Rev. Spight was the first pastor of the Baptish Church at this place and his death will be a shock to his many friends here. He is survived by a wife and two children.
J. H. Sharpe
J. H. Sharpe, the young man who was brought to town last week suffering with a complication of typhoid fever and other afflictions, died at his room in the Lee block on last Saturday.
He has a brother who is a cashier of a bank in Des Moines, Iowa, who has wired instructions to have the body embalmed. He leaves a wife in Stuart, Iowa. The funeral will take place from the M. E. Church and interment will be in the cemetery here. He was head miller at the Paha mills.
Adams Death
CUNNINGHAM - Grandma Adams of Leone Valley will be buried in the valley today, Wednesday, the first person to be buried in that vicinity. She leaves an aged husband and several children to mourn her loss. This aged mother, like a sheaf of ripened grain, has been gathered into the garner after a long useful life, one that was put in for the betterment of others. Her life was well spent, the world was made better, her works will live after her.
Lafe Koontz
Lafe Koontz, a well known young farmer of Lamona, died at Spokane Tuesday, Dec. 11th, with appendicitis. Mr. Koontz went to Spokane Thanksgiving on a visit to his father and mother.
While there he was taken ill and what the doctors pronounced to be appendicitis. He was operated on Sunday night, but died Tuesday morning. The remains were brought back to Lamona for burial.
Mr. Koontz was but twenty-three years of age at the time of his death, and was highly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He leaves beside his father and mother, four sisters and three brothers and a large circle of friends to mourn his departure.
Washington State Journal and Adams County News, Thursday, December 19, 1906, issue Most of this issue is missing